When do you plant kale

This is the time when days are less than ten hours long. For baby leaves, the latest you should plant is six weeks before this period. Depending on your region, this means you should plant seeds directly in the garden from mid-July to mid-September. You can start trays for transplants in June, July, or August, and plant these out into your garden in late July to late September.

This tactic of sowing multiple plantings is known as succession planting. You can read more about succession planting here. When there is less daylight, plants will grow more slowly, so successive plantings should be sown closer together, over shorter periods of time.

In March and November, space successions two weeks apart. In May, June, September, and October, space them three weeks apart.

Now that you know when to plant, you can start planning how it will feature in your garden. If you have questions about when to plant seeds in your specific area, feel free to ask in the comments. To read more about growing this versatile, nutritious leafy green , check out these articles:. See our TOS for more details. Whitefly can occasionally turn up. They are easily identified as tiny white triangles that readily take to the air when disturbed.

Fuzzy gray cabbage aphids are another common problem. Insect mesh or row covers are a simple way to protect plants. Most pests die off after the first frosts, leaving plants clear and blemish-free once more. Harvesting usually begins in the fall.

Pull or twist leaves down and away from the plant, or use a knife to cut the leaves off. Harvest every few days by taking one or two leaves from each plant so that the central inner rosette of leaves remains untouched. By the end of the following spring kale plants will have grown quite tall as a result of this regular harvesting.

When they stretch to flower they can be removed to the compost heap or left as an extra source of nectar for pollinators such as butterflies and bees. Kale is one of those crops that just keeps on giving, making it a worthy addition to any garden.

What variety are you growing, and how do you make the most of it in the kitchen? We have a South African version of our website. Prepare the sowing site by weeding thoroughly and raking the soil level. Sow the seeds thinly along the drill. If sowing more than one row, space them 15cm 6in apart.

Once the seedlings germinate, thin them out to 7. The thinnings can be used as baby leaves in salads. Transplant young kale plants to their final growing position when they have five or six true leaves. Water well the day before moving, lift them carefully, then set them in their new planting hole deep enough so their lowest leaves are at ground level. Firm in gently, then water generously. Space plants 45cm 18in apart.

Apply a mulch around the plants to help hold moisture in the soil. Water well during dry weather. Birds, especially pigeons, can cause an array of problems including eating seedlings, buds, leaves, fruit and vegetables.

Protect the plants from birds by covering them with netting or fleece. Scarecrows and bird-scaring mechanisms work for a while, but the most reliable method of protection is to cover plants with horticultural fleece or mesh. White larvae approximately 5cm 2in long, feed on the roots just below the soil surface, stunting growth and causing plants to wilt and die. A number of caterpillars will feed on brassicas, but the most common are those of cabbage white butterflies.

You will usually see the caterpillars, if not, you will see the holes they make in the leaves. They will also bore into the heart of cabbages. In mild attacks, or if you have only a few plants, you may be able to pick the caterpillars off. Insect-proof mesh or fine netting mm mesh can prevent egg-laying.


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