Latest Newscasts. Gray DC Bureau. Investigate TV. Closings and Delays. Dismiss Closings Alerts Bar. By Shaun Hegarty. Published: Sep. Share on Facebook. Email This Link. Share on Twitter. Share on Pinterest. Share on LinkedIn. Most Read. Police: Man arrested after shooting man who stole his car. Residents near Monroe St crime scene unsettled after latest shooting. The most recent temporary shutdown at the plant occurred in October upon identification of a major hairline crack on the concrete shield building around the containment vessel.
Babcock and Wilcox were contracted to manufacture two new 74ft tall steam generators for the nuclear power station. Final delivery was made in October The same company had supplied the MW pressurised water reactor to the power plant.
Bechtel was awarded the engineering, procurement and construction EPC services contract in October , to replace the steam generators and the reactor pressure vessel closure head. It is being developed…. The offshore…. Get important industry news and analysis sent to your inbox — sign up to our e-Newsletter here. Shortlists Fuel Cells Hydro Solar Wind. Join Our Newsletter - Get important industry news and analysis sent to your inbox — sign up to our e-Newsletter here. Arkansas Nuclear One.
Programming Schedule. Big Bad B-Movie Show. CW43 Cleveland. Investigate TV. Gray DC Bureau. Latest Newscasts. By Jim Nelson. Published: Jul. Share on Facebook. Email This Link. Share on Twitter. Share on Pinterest.