Two other vehicles fell into the Skagit River, and three people were rescued with minor injuries. The suit also states that Scott should have known that he had positioned his oversized load on the side of the bridge that has the least clearance. In November, the State Patrol issued a report on its final findings from the collapse, saying that Scott hit 11 arced sway braces on the bridge before it collapsed.
Main Span Length Feet Structure Length 1, Feet Roadway Width 56 Feet Spans 4 Main Span s and 8 Approach Span s. View Photos and Videos. View Maps and Links. A collection of overview and detail photos. This gallery offers photos in the highest available resolution and file size in a touch-friendly popup viewer. Alternatively, Browse Without Using Viewer. This gallery features data-friendly, fast-loading photos in a touch-friendly popup viewer.
Bridge Collapse Full Motion Video. Security camera video that was released showing the first moments of the bridge collapse. Streaming video of the bridge. Mullen Group Ltd. Click here to continue to the news. This ad will close in seconds. Skip to main content.
Government Business Safety Logistics Top Eleanor Lamb Staff Reporter. The driver was following the pilot car too closely: more than half the recommended distance for adequate response feet, or a five-second response time, instead of the recommended feet, allowing for a second response time.
This eliminates the drivers having to communicate quickly so the oversized vehicle can change course. Also, the pilot car antenna was not straight, so it was not accurately measuring the full height. It will never be possible to eliminate human error entirely. We are fallible creatures, and sometimes all those tiny lapses in judgement—typically harmless on their own—combine in disastrous ways. But the lessons learned from the Skagit River bridge collapse could make catastrophic failures just a bit less likely in the future.
Why do Americans allow their aging infrastructure to continue this way?