Explore this Article parts. Related Articles. Article Summary. Part 1. Travel to Time Tangled Island. You will arrive on a sandy beach. Walk right until you reach a crying woman. She is in front of a large metal building labeled 'Pendulum's Lab'. She'll tell you something has gone wrong and urges you inside. Click the door to go inside. Push the large plug back in on the bottom floor. Once inside the Pendulum's Lab building, go down the ramps and push the large plug at the bottom to the right to plug it back in.
Talk to the woman with orange hair and red glasses. She will give you a Mission Printout. Enter the Future Machine. It has a door that is emitting blue light. You will travel to a dystopian future. Bits of ash are flying through the air and remnants of factories and trees are in the distance. Talk to the person that resembles your character.
When you arrive in the future, travel left and talk to the person that resembles your character. Ask them if they can help you repair the past. They will give you an item that helps you travel through time. It appears on the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Part 2. Open the time travel device. It's the device that resembles a golden pocket watch in the lower-left corner.
Click it to open the time travel device. Select the icon of a man wearing a blue hood and goggles. He's in the 11 o'clock position. Click the glowing green wind-up knob on the left side of the time travel device to travel.
Your character now is on Mount Everest. Travel across the path that is laid out on the cliffs. Go right across the platforms and ledges. Then jump on the higher ledge and go left. Jump on the three small ledges and go right at the top. Climb the rope at the end of the path. Be careful of weak spots in the snow.
Those are the spots where there's only a small thread of snow. Talk to the man with the blue hood. Go right, passing the man in the orange coat, and talk to the man in the blue hood. Ask the man with the blue hood why he's stopped. He'll tell you he's lost his goggles. Continue to the top. Travel right until you see icy platforms above you.
Jump on them and climb the rope. Go right after you've reached the platform and climb the cliffs until you reach the tallest platform. Be careful of falling icicles.
They will knock you down. Get the Statuette of Liberty. It's to the right at the top of the peak. Part 3. Click the time travel device. It's the icon that resembles a golden pocket watch in the bottom left-hand corner.
Select the man with brown hair and beard. He's in the 10 o'clock position. Click the wind-up knob on the left to travel to the site where the statue of liberty was being built in Enter the house that says "Gaget, Gauthier et Cie". It's to the left of the when you arrive in Tell the man to the right you have his study model. He has a beard. The model will go to him now and that time period is repaired. Leave the house and go the left where you will see a man.
Stop when you see him. You will need to climb to the top of the scaffolding. Climb to the top of the scaffolding. Use the following steps to climb to the top. Jump onto boxes and then onto the roof of the house.
Jump onto the chimney and then onto the head of the Statue of Liberty and Jump to the wooden ledge above. Jump off the top ledge to the left. Land on the ledges on the building to the left. Grab the book. It's on a ledge to the left of the scaffolding. You will need to jump off the top ledge of the scaffolding to reach it. Part 4. Select the man with the brown ponytail and black hat. He's in the 7 o'clock position.
Click the wind-up knob on the left to travel to The Graff House. Travel right while avoiding hedgehogs. You'll see a large house with lots of windows. Climb to the roof. Jump up onto the window sills until you reach the roof. Get the salt rocks. Jump on to the chimney to grab the salt rocks. Part 5. Select the woman with a white turban.
She's in the 3 o'clock position. Click the wind-up knob on the left to travel to that period in time. Travel to the right until you reach a green bush with a ledge above it. Jump onto the ledge and then jump again onto the building to your left. It's in between the two buildings. Climb on top of the tallest building. Jump onto the tree above and then onto the building to the right of the tree. And then jump onto the tallest building. Tell the man with the white turban you have found his salt rocks.
He's on top of the building. Talk to him and tell him you found his salt rocks. The time period will be restored. Go to Timbuktu Inn on the right. Use the following steps to get to Timbuktu Inn: Jump over the snake on the right. Jump onto the ledge made of logs. Jump onto a similar one above it.
Jump on top of the tall rock structure on the right. Jump to the right of the tall rock formation. Jump down from the rock formation and to the right. Climb to the second floor. Move to the right until you see a small ledge. Jump onto it and jump onto the next platform. Talk to the man in white. You'll notice papers in his hand. Continue talking to him until a puzzle appears in front of you. Complete the puzzle. It's an image of a king with a scepter and golden apple. The correct pieces will snap together.
Click on the screen when you are done. You will receive the Declaration of Independence. Travel back to the Graff House. Use the time device and select the man wearing a black hat and brown ponytail.
Then click the wind-up knob on the left. Enter the big red house. It's to the right when you enter the time period. Go all the way to the right and hop onto the platform above you. Thomas Jefferson is next to the bed on the second floor. Tell Thomas Jefferson you have the Declaration of Independence. This time period is now repaired. Part 6. Click the time device. It's the icon that resembles a golden pocket watch in the lower-left corner. Select the man with just plain brown hair.
He's on the 9 o'clock positions of the time device. Then click the wind-up knob on the left to travel to Edison's Workshop. Go to your left until you reach something that resembles a bicycle.
It's all the way to the left. Hop on the big wheel of the bike. The seat is above the large wheel of the old-timey motorbike. Click the red part of the engine. The bike will begin to move. Stay on the bike until it stops moving.
Jump onto the roof of the building on the left. Once the motorbike stops, jump on the tree branch above the bike. Then jump on other branches to climb higher. Then jump from the highest branch to the roof of the house on the left. Get the Aztec Sun Stone piece.
It's the colorful fragment sticking out of the chimney on the left. Jump onto it to put it in your inventory. Go jump to the nearest tree,which is right, the next tree, jump up to the girl with a blue hat Talk to her, she wants a fig, see the red fig thats above you? Jump to the fig and you have it! Go left to the lady, jump over the water, and keep running left to the end Jump on the cliff, the next cliff has a goat, ump on top of the goat and it will take you up to icy paths Go right of the icy path and jump on the last icy cliff When you win, enetr the cave Just jump to the very bottom, get the cellphone Remember?
Go up again, jump right to the skinny, long stones, do it until you see the red jewel Get the red jewel Get out of The moutains of the moon And go to Blue Nile Falls Jump on top of the airplane, jump up to the grassy cliffs, all the way up and get a purple flower Go back to the yard sale Click on the woman in orange She wants a trade with the purple flower Just click Its a deal!
Put on the turban Go back to the plane and to GIZA Go right, a guy will give you a shovel Walk right, jump onto a pot, then to the house, and then to a tree, and get the gold Back to Nabooti! Go all the way right and talk to big Zeke Aafter you token 7 good photos, Zeke will give you a mining hat Do whatever you have to to get to the right end The working man will let you through, go to the yellowinsh machiene Click in the stick between the yellow and green light, it turns off the eletric You only have a matter of time to go back left, up the grass, go right, and enter in to somewhere When you entered, go left and jump on the minecarts railings to the top, go to where all the carts came from and enter down See that green button?
Aand the can to the very left with a fire sticker on it? First, turn off the green light Push the can till the bolder blocks it Turn the green light back on and the bolder explodes Turn off the green light again Move the can till the very very very end! Turn the green light back on The rocks explode Enter the new room Go right, push the thing until it goes down the ramp, the thing when be like a roller coaster When it oes to the top, bend your head DOWN Also, when it tells you to jump; JUMP!
Might have to try it a couple times When you are done, you have entered a new room Go right, jump on the bump, and jump on the blocks Click on the jewels, they say that you can reconize the Nabooti jewel by the magnifing glass Pick up the magnifing galss on the bottom right hand corner Once you found the right jewel, go up the rope Go all the way up a few grass cliffs, and to the person with a chicken, feed, and a fox.
When your done, the person will tell you that a secret cave is behind the large bush in the right waterfall Like the person said, go to the large bush kinda looks like another plant and click on it Enter the secret hole Once you jumped over the cliffs, walk right and get the purple jewel Go right, see the big turtle?
Look at your shovel closely. See the number? Dial it on the cellphone Place the moonstone in the ring on top of the cat thingy It will open the door, enter it Go right, see the thing with 4 strings on it? Click and move the strings until all the strings are in ROWS Go more right and jump on the block, till the end, go in the room Jump p, walk left and see the 4 blocks? Walk left, go down, and see the block?
Jump on the pictured blocks in a order, to know which comes first, the first room in this pyrimid had markings, the markings tell which is in order When you got the 4 blocks, jump to the last block and go you the rope, go right Look at the BIG statue, next to it are mini pictures of the satue, go to the right one a flip the swich You can always press reset, which is on the very left Go back to the museum and put the gems back This is the Time Tangled guide, not the Nabooti guide.
You should have commented on the Nabooti guide. Scary Tomato, isnt the Poptropican in the Aztec period a man? Anyway, I was meant to reply ages ago but I still managed to pass Time Tangled Island with my account because I got my bro to keep jumping and somehow amazingly managed to grab the Peace medal! No offence. Scary Tomato: I fixed it for you. Follow the instructions exactly as they tell you on the Cool Stuff page.
Serious spider, I know another way to get the bonus viking suit! Then you will fly!!!!!!!!!!!! Then fly to the platform. You will get it! WOW thnx 4 the walkthru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, but the flying cheat got removed today.
Scary Tomato: I love doing that. Scary Tomato, Iluved the end of this mission! I hope this is how the real future is because Contamination reduction helps our planet. All I need to do is claim my medal!!!
Poptropica is so awesome! Thanks for this guide, Scary Tomato!!!!!!! This is a a VERY kool cool website!
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Rate this:. Like this: Like Loading Newer Comments. Time Tangled Island is soo hard! I cant find the gunpowder! Loved this guide! Thanks a LOT. A got the cave all by myself! Reading the guide above may help. I know right but it takes me a few clicks ot finish 1 task like giving a vase to a solider P. I know it sounds super dopey, but whenever I just want to chill I just go to my sky home! Same every time I try it loads then sends me to the bad future plz help!? Are you going to make a spy island one?
This was very informative. What do you do if you already gave him the stone bowl Scary Tomato: You continue with the quest. Time Tangled is my favorite island. Thnx for helping me Scary Tomato.
You Rock!! Is it only 30 seconds to get the vase? Love Poptropica. You will eventually get to the top, and once you done it, you will find the small study model of the Statue of Liberty. They need a statue model, they have a notebook. In the Statue of Liberty time period, enter the construction house that says " Gaget, Gauthier et Cie ," find Bartholdi and give him the Statue of Liberty model.
Now, go to the top of the Liberty structure and jump to the left. You will land on one of to ledges. The Notebook will be on the lower one.
They need a notebook, they have the Peace Medal. Go to Da Vinci's WorkShop and go up to the pulley system and jump onto the highest platform. Wait until it goes all the way down, then jump onto the lowest one. Then, jump to the right, and grab the Peace Medal hanging underneath the wooden deck. Be warned - patience here is key, as it can take lots of tries to get the peace medal. Now, go up to Leo's Workshop. Once in there, find Leonardo da Vinci and return to him his Notebook.
He will reward you with a Glider, but you don't need it to complete this island. They need the Peace Medal, they have a stone bowl. Before you leave, go to the top of the tree where a beaver has the Stone Bowl and is popping in and out of the tree.
To grab it, jump on the beaver in the moment he's about to peek out or catch him while he's going back in his hiding spot. They need a bag of salt rocks, they have the Declaration draft. Avoiding the snakes, go inside of the Timbuktu Inn and talk to the document man. He will notice that you don't have any money so he will ask if you can piece together a puzzle. Do it and you'll get the Declaration of Independence draft.
They need the Declaration draft, they have a bag of salt rocks. After that, go to the top of the building and get the Salt Rocks that are on the chimney. Now you just have to return to the times that aren't repaired and give the items to the people who need the items.
First, go to the Chinese time period and climb up the construction. Give the man the stone bowl. Now, go to the Mali Empire , go to the top, and give the man the bag of salt.
Return to the lab, turn on the future machine again and go inside. You will find yourself in the future, but it is different from before.