User Info: Chocobocolina. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Question Status Where do i find the watch? Answered Where can i find tonberry? Answered Where can I find Vouivre?
Answered Please help me find Triffid? Answered Where can I find Access Key 13? Ask A Question. User Info: tooweak. Players can find Trapezohedron in the wilds of Gran Pulse instead of spending such a huge amount on a wholesale variant of the item.
You will find these in the Item world of R38 and R39 weapons. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Short of staging a sponsored chocobo run across Pulse, you're going to have to use a tried and tested method to raise the gil: sell everything you hold dear. Of course, do not sell any of your accessories or equipment - we're still trying to get the Treasure Hunter trophy.
All of these have 'Can be sold for a premium' tagged on to their item description. So what are the easiest ways of going about collecting these? Whilst you're busy plugging away at Adamantoises and Adamantortoises hoping they'll drop an Ingot, you may just strike lucky and find yourself with a Trapezohedron for your troubles.
Other than straight up buying one, dismantling is your most surefire way of obtaining a Trapezohedron. There's even a way to effectively get two for the price of one. The downside? Dismantling anything at Tier 1 will give you like, a screw and a turd. Use the Golden Chocobo lvl45 for this. Once you have both you need to upgrade them with: 4x Sunpetal found on Microchu in Archylte Steppe??? AF During wet weather on the west side. AF 30, GIL each with haggler fragment skill.
Once her mission is completed return to the Mystic in Serendipity and collect skill. Location: Do time reversal on Sunleth Waterscape AF then when you come to first Royal Ripeness defeat him and afterwards kill him again in full power state Thats without getting the artefact.
Setup: 1. Then switch to 1 and wither his HP to nothing. Heal using 4 and keep both debuffs on him he also casts poison on your team. Enemy: Ispusteke Setup: 1. Best way to kill him is start with 1 quickly stagger. Gains: Per Battle.
Power Crystal: Location: Archylte Steppe??? Its a rare drop but still the fastest method. Gains: about Per Battle each crystal. You can obtain all generators except for Potent in one fight, I will note this below. Now since you have all keys you can just ride the lift all the way to the top floor. If you reenter Augusta Tower without opening the gate again you can fight Adam again and again till you have enough materials.
This is also a good place for gil farming you get six genrators which with haggler fragment skill sell for 4, each.