Here and then on a dash you would have a hydrogen and then you could have a miracle. And then let's say you have an amine. So if I want to draw the an and humor of this, I'm going to switch to groups. So in this case I'll make the alcohol on a dash in the hydrogen will be on the wedge and then the method will stay the same. So when I went to draw the in into more for this molecule, I didn't have a lot of options, I could just switch to groups and then I get one and humor.
So that means that for every an anti more there's one non super imposible mirror image. So yes, they do occur in pairs. That is true. The next question is asking about two Pantanal in three Pantanal. So let's draw this out. So for two pentagonal we have the alcohol on the to look into for three we have the alcohol three.
Now it's asking about the Cairo chirality. So for two Penton, all this would be considered a Cairo center because there is a hydrogen here and this metal is different from this purple group, which is different from this alcohol group.
So this is Cairo For this for three pension all there is a mirror image or mirrors imagery in the molecule. So it would not have for different substitutes. This substitute is equal to this substitute. So this would not be considered a Cairo center. So the statement is saying that both two pentagonal and three pence channel our Cairo and showing in timor is um but that would be false to Pentonville shows any terrorism in his Cairo.
But three dimensional is not Cairo. The next question is asking about one metal cyclo hexane. Also, let's draw that out your cyclo vaccine. Put the alcohol here On the one located. And the method would also go on the one looking. So it's asking about its chirality. Text Solution. They have same physical propertiesThey have different biological propertiesThey have same chemical properties towards chiral compoundsNone of these Answer :. Solution :. Related Answer. Very Important Questions.
National Education Day: e-learning Transforming Educational Landscape National education day: e-learning transforming educational landscape. Portland cement does not contain The s-Block Elements.
It is an exothermic compound 2. It burns in air with the evolution of heat 3. It has kinetic stability 4. The p-Block Elements. Consider the following species 1.
So in this question, they asked correct statement about the camp on abc Small, E A and B are identical. B and we are by Syria Moss. Then see AMC had. And then you show your lips the NVR in, in shale. So option, option B is correct. These correct. See you age. Aah, okay. Are hello? Uh, and and share once. Since there are non super impossible long. Super impossible. Mirror images on each other, thanks to. Chemistry is the science of matter, especially its chemical reactions, but also its composition, structure and properties.
Chemistry deals with atoms and their interactions with other atoms, and particularly with the properties of chemical bonds.