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New Subscription. Gift Subscription. Digital Subscriber Sign In. Bulk Subscription. Newsletter Signup. Permission Guidelines. Writer Guidelines. Privacy Statement. Live TV. This Day In History. History Vault. Recommended for you. Explore 10 Biblical Sites: Photos. He reminds the people that Jesus is the one spoken of by the prophet Isaiah. I know you are familiar with verse four. He feasted on locusts and wild honey. During those days, religious leaders would have worn fine garments to reflect their position.
He baptized many people in the Jordan River after they had confessed their sins. Pharisees and Sadducees came to get baptized. John rebuked them and told them to repent because judgment will come upon them if they do not. John makes it clear that he can baptize people with water unto repentance but there is one coming after him whose shoes he was not worthy to bear. Jesus will baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Jesus came from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized.
John tried to resist this because he felt that Jesus should baptize him. Jesus told John that he needed to baptize him. John has often been called a forerunner of Jesus. He preached all about the country of Jordan calling for repentance for the remission of sins Luke He taught that all flesh would see the salvation of God. He instructed those who came to be baptized to bring fruits worthy of repentance.
He taught charity and said that if you have plenty that you should share with others. John preached even to soldiers that they should not do violence to any man, not to falsely accuse anyone, and to be content with their pay Luke Also, remember that there is about six months difference in their age.
They are also cousins through their mothers. When the virgin Mary visited Elisabeth, the Holy Ghost was present there as the baby leaped in her womb. He referred to John as the greatest prophet because of his boldness.