Who is zechariah

Zechariah concluded his book by looking into the distant future, first at the rejection of the Messiah by Israel — , and then at His eventual reign when Israel will finally be delivered — Have you struggled with discouragement? Read Zechariah. While the book contains its share of judgments on the people of Judah and beyond, it overflows with hope in the future reign of the Lord over His people.

The book of Zechariah serves as a correction for that tendency in our lives. We have a hope that is sure. How refreshing! View Chuck Swindoll's chart of Zechariah , which divides the book into major sections and highlights themes and key verses. Who wrote the book? Why is Zechariah so important? What's the big idea? How do I apply this? John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck Wheaton, Ill. Zechariah Overview Chart View Chuck Swindoll's chart of Zechariah , which divides the book into major sections and highlights themes and key verses.

Zechariah: Man of Vision and Faith Purchase. There are three prominent people in the Bible named Zechariah or Zacharias , and their profiles are shown below:. During that era, many Jews were returning from the Babylonian Captivity to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple, which had been destroyed by the Babylonians.

Zechariah, the son of Iddo, was instrumental in inspiring his fellow Jews to rebuild the Temple see Ezra Zechariah began prophesying during the same year as the prophet Haggai, in about BC. Zechariah's prophecies came from visions that showed God's power, God's judgment of sin, the importance of spiritual strength, and the promise of things to come, including the promise of the Messiah. Zechariah's prophecies often looked far into the future, a future in which the Jews would again be exiled from their homeland and scattered throughout the world.

His prophecies said that Jews would be persecuted worldwide, that Jerusalem would become a battleground of nations, and that Jerusalem would become the religious center of the world. Today, we can see with our own eyes that Zechariah's prophecies accurately described the worldwide dispersion of Jews that has taken place during the past years, as well as the fact that Jerusalem has become a focal point of the international community the United States and Europe, and the United Nations and a religious focal point among Jews, Christians and Moslems.

Zechariah, means "Yah has remembered". The Bible's book of Zechariah is the 11th book of the twelve minor prophets. The father of John the Baptist, and husband of Elizabeth. He was a priest belonging to the order of Abijah. While he was offering incense in the Temple, the angel Gabriel appeared to him, and told him that his wife Elizabeth who had been barren for many years would give birth to a son, and the son's name would be John. Zechariah, who was an old man, did not believe the angel, and because of his disbelief, was struck dumb unable to speak, until the prophecy was fulfilled.


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