Who said leave only footprints

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I affiliate with and recommend only brands and products I truly believe in. Please leave a comment - I love hearing from you! It means don't steal anything to keep for a "souvenir," and don't leave any trash behind. In other words, leave the place exactly as you found it. Yep, absolutely spot on! Unfortunately, there are too many people disrespecting that simple rule Sometimes it might be just too hard to resist to take your little stone or piece of rock!

Not even talking about leaving a trash behind I have been to some places where that is a real problem Traveling is a great escape from the hassle of this world and feel alive and live fir yourself, it gives memories and experience. Thanks for sharing this amazing quato. Keep it up. That's a good quote. I was at school. I often join the activities of nature lovers. My teacher always tells us.

But acts such as picking flowers or catching animals, will only damage nature. If you want to bring a souvenir just by painting or photographing it. When adventuring, all previous activities, especially the waste generated are never abandoned, bring it home again.

Because these objects are mainly plastic waste will have a great adverse impact on environmental sustainability. Including leaving no marks in the form of graffiti, strokes, and the like on trees and stones. I really like your teacher Kill nothing but time, hmm But do not kill to much of it, it is very precious What i understand from that great quote is that, wherever we find our self, we should always do what is right, give good regards to our self but then never forgetting the memories, that is never forget about what happened during your stay there whether good or bad, it actually an experience which is termed the best teacher.

Well thanks for this question. Yes, that's when we would make this earth a better place for humanity. Thanks for your reply, am honored. Thumbs up! You are the man and the planet earth needs more like you! I need to become more proactive myself when I do see some wrongdoing! Have a great night. Well, travelling is always a source of happiness and learning for the visitors. I do really respect all the places that i visit whether with my friends or family members.

You asked a question above,. Yes, offcourse i do but in a very gentle way. I am not at all a violent person rather a quite gentle guy. Last Summer i went to visit mounting area of my cousin's city. What i saw, a group of teenagers were smoking there there personal act no issue with me but when one of them threw the matchstick to enjoy the fire i rush towards them and requested them to stop this silly act.

As this would burn all of the beautiful scenery of the location couple of them wanted a fight but i remained very calm and again requested them and finally they moved from there. Thumbs up for you to intervene! That can be really hard sometimes or the majority of the times as the matter of fact Most people would just turn away.

If everyone left rubbish on the top of a hill, soon the hill will be much bigger. It is important that we leave as little trace as possible. I will not even drop decomposable litter, I will take it home to be put in my compost bin.

This quote pretty much is my mindframe and way of life. It is by far my favourite travel quote and the way I believe we should all love our lives! Leaving footprints and relying on memories is a more fulfilling way to travel! Angels why do they fly? Its because they travel lightly. Not disturbing but beautifying their paths and the places they visit. People are to be loved, so is our univers!

Leave only foot prints Take only memories..


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