Through normal occupation in a home, we generate a great deal of contaminants and air pollutants, such as dander, dust, and chemicals. These contaminants are pulled into the HVAC system and re-circulated 5 to 7 times per day, on average. Over time, this re-circulation causes a build-up of contaminants in the duct work. According to the U. Department of Energy, 25 to 40 percent of the energy used for heating or cooling a home is wasted. Contaminants in the heating and cooling system cause it to work harder and shorten the life of your system.
When your HVAC system is forced to work harder to cool your home because of dirty ducts, your energy use goes up—and so does your monthly bill. By getting your air ducts cleaned during the spring, you can keep your system efficient and your energy bills low during the summer. As mentioned above, your ducts can accumulate dust, mold, pollen, and any number of contaminants that make their way into your home.
Since air cycles through your duct system, the dust and debris in your ducts will too. Getting your ducts cleaned prevents pollutants from entering your home over and over again, creating a cleaner environment overall. This is a great benefit for pet owners that have to deal with loose fur and dander or for people that just hate dusting! From better energy efficiency to reduced allergy symptoms, getting your ducts cleaned is a decision that can benefit the whole family.
Consider adding a Four Seasons duct cleaning to your spring cleaning list this season! Enter your name and email address below. Ready to get started? Please fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch shortly! Chicago: South Suburbs: Southwest Suburbs: Although flex duct can also be cleaned using soft-bristled brushes, it can be more economical to simply replace accessible flex duct.
Take care to protect the duct work, including sealing and re-insulating any access holes the service provider may have made or used so they are airtight. Use the highest efficiency air filter recommended by the manufacturer of your heating and cooling system. Change filters regularly. If your filters become clogged, change them more frequently. Be sure you do not have any missing filters and that air cannot bypass filters through gaps around the filter holder. When having your heating and cooling system maintained or checked for other reasons, be sure to ask the service provider to clean cooling coils and drain pans.
During construction or renovation work that produces dust in your home, seal off supply and return registers and do not operate the heating and cooling system until after cleaning up the dust. Remove dust and vacuum your home regularly. Use a high efficiency vacuum HEPA cleaner or the highest efficiency filter bags your vacuum cleaner can take. Vacuuming can increase the amount of dust in the air during and after vacuuming as well as in your ducts.
If your heating system includes in-duct humidification equipment, be sure to operate and maintain the humidifier strictly as recommended by the manufacturer. Promptly and properly repair any leaks or water damage. Pay particular attention to cooling coils, which are designed to remove water from the air and can be a major source of moisture contamination of the system that can lead to mold growth. Make sure the condensate pan drains properly. Check any insulation near cooling coils for wet spots.
Make sure ducts are properly sealed and insulated in all non-air-conditioned spaces e. This will help to prevent moisture due to condensation from entering the system and is important to make the system work as intended. To prevent water condensation, the heating and cooling system must be properly insulated. If you are replacing your air conditioning system, make sure that the unit is the proper size for your needs and that all ducts are sealed at the joints. A unit that is too big will cycle on and off frequently, resulting in poor moisture removal, particularly in areas with high humidity.
Also make sure that your new system is designed to manage condensation effectively. Educate yourself about duct cleaning by contacting some or all of the sources of information listed at the end of this publication and asking questions of potential service providers. Correct any water leaks or standing water. Remove standing water under cooling coils of air handling units by making sure that drain pans slope toward the drain. If humidifiers are used, they must be properly maintained. Air handling units should be constructed so that maintenance personnel have easy, direct access to heat exchange components and drain pans for proper cleaning and maintenance.
Fiber glass, or any other insulation material that is wet or visibly moldy or if an unacceptable odor is present should be removed and replaced by a qualified heating and cooling system contractor.
Steam cleaning and other methods involving moisture should not be used on any kind of duct work. Demonstrate visible evidence of microbial growth in your duct work. Some service providers may attempt to convince you that your air ducts are contaminated by demonstrating that the microorganisms found in your home grow on a settling plate i.
This is inappropriate. Some microorganisms are always present in the air, and some growth on a settling plate is normal. As noted earlier, only an expert can positively identify a substance as biological growth and lab analysis may be required for final confirmation. Other testing methods are not reliable. Explain why biological growth cannot be removed by physical means, such as brushing, and further growth prevented by controlling moisture.
Show you the biocide label, which will describe its range of approved uses. Apply the biocide only to un-insulated areas of the duct system after proper cleaning, if necessary to reduce the chances for re-growth of mold. Always use the product strictly according to its label instructions.
Learn as much as possible about air duct cleaning before you decide to have your ducts cleaned by reading this guidance and contacting the sources of information provided. Consider other possible sources of indoor air pollution first if you suspect an indoor air quality problem exists in your home.
Have your air ducts cleaned if they are visibly contaminated with substantial mold growth, pests or vermin, or are clogged with substantial deposits of dust or debris.
Ask the service provider to show you any mold or other biological contamination they say exists. Get laboratory confirmation of mold growth or decide to rely on your own judgment and common sense in evaluating apparent mold growth. Get estimates from at least three service providers.
Check references. Other states may also require licenses. Insist that the service provider give you knowledgeable and complete answers to your questions. Find out whether your ducts are made of sheet metal, flex duct, or constructed of fiber glass duct board or lined with fiber glass since the methods of cleaning vary depending on duct type.
Remember, a combination of these elements may be present. Permit the application of biocides in your ducts only if necessary to control mold growth and only after assuring yourself that the product will be applied strictly according to label directions. As a precaution, you and your pets should leave the premises during application. Do not permit the use of sealants except under unusual circumstances where other alternatives are not feasible.
Commit to a preventive maintenance program of yearly inspections of your heating and cooling system, regular filter changes, and steps to prevent moisture contamination.
Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem. Did the service provider obtain access to and clean the entire heating and cooling system, including ductwork and all components drain pans, humidifiers, coils and fans? Has the service provider adequately demonstrated that duct work and plenums are clean? Remember, it is necessary for you to take care of your ducts and professionals can help.
Professional services, especially if you live in Los Angeles, can make a big difference in your home and dryer ventilation systems. They have the proper tools and training to ensure that your home is efficient and safe.
Call Fresh Aire Duct Cleaning today at or contact us online to learn more about the benefits of air duct cleaning in Los Angeles!
But you can certainly feel it. When your air quality But shopping for So this will help save substantial amount money on your monthly bills.