Too much work can eventually overwhelm your staff, no matter how competent they may be. An increase in staff likely will be needed if you plan to expand your business by adding a new location or offering new services.
Current employees might not have the skills your company needs if you plan to offer a new product or service. Although you can train your current staff, it might be more efficient to hire employees who are already trained in the new area.
As a business that may just be getting its footing as a startup, it can make sense to outsource some tasks rather than hire staff to perform them. But, as your company grows, it may make more sense to bring these tasks back in house. It may be the case that as your business needs expand, outsourced tasks become more complex and end up costing much more than if you hired in-house employees who are able to focus on these business needs full-time.
You may find that you or your higher-paid employees are spending a lot of time on junior-level tasks. Ask twice. Ask managers for their best estimate, and then ask for their second-best. Pin them down about how certain they are that each scenario will become a reality. This will give you a picture of all the possibilities and how likely they are to occur. Then you can plan to hire a more realistic number of people. How much talent do you want to develop from within, and how much do you want to hire from the outside.
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