Ask why is the sky blue

May 6, Cameron Apr 10, It's not blue, it's actually purple. It just appears blue because blue is more sensitive to our eyes. Ashlynd May 17, May 24, We're glad that you're learning with us, Ashlynd!! Thanks for being our Wonder Friend!

Apr 12, Nov 10, Oct 11, Sep 13, Jace Aug 31, The sky is blue because of how thick the atmosphere is. On some planets the aptmosphere is so mall the sun can blind you super easily.

On some you can't even see the sun. Sep 4, Hi, Jace! Very interesting!! Thanks for sharing! Ayaan Jul 28, The sky is blue because when light from our sun enters the atmosphere it collides with the molecules in the air scatter more than they scatter the red light.

But when we look at the sky at the evening we see red and orange colors because the blue has been scattered out and away from the line of our sight. The sun is only blue in the morning and afternoon and dark blue at night but at evening time it is red and orange so the sky is not even blue all the time. Jul 28, Thanks for sharing, Ayaan! May 18, Apr 14, Haunter Apr 13, Nice, Haunter! Jojo siwa Apr 10, Apr 10, Blue is great! Glad that's the color of the sky. Nick Gunter Apr 12, Apr 13, Awesome, Nick!

Thanks for sharing your connection to BLUE! David Mar 31, Mar 31, Cody Mar 31, Samantha Mar 28, Hey Wonderopolis I was wondering if you could make a new wonder about wondering do you know what I mean if you do good if you don't I am telling you now I mean by saying how many wonders do you make i a day.

You can type my name like Sam Sammy or Samantha so can you some day and I know this is long from your wonderer Samantha. Mar 28, Mrs cheese Mar 16, Why is this so dumb this isn't interesting,you should do cool ones that my won't block like anime my school blocked thAt wonder.

Mar 16, G's Class Feb 8, Dear Wonderopolis, We thought that quiz was quite hard! We want to know more about the pictures of cloudy and a rainbow.

Where can we learn more about why are trees green? Love, Mrs. G's Class. Feb 9, Demil Mar 31, Carmen Wessel Jan 27, Jan 27, Noah Feb 7, Jan 26, Jan 6, Great suggestion, Jacob! Maddie Nov 28, Thats why the water is blue! The sky is reflecting off the water to create its color!

Water is actually clear! Nov 28, I love this pag it helps me learn about thangs i don't know so thank you. We're glad to hear you feel the same way, chase!

Nov 3, That's great news, lynda! Robert Sep 20, Sep 21, Liang Croissette Sep 28, Sep 29, Daniel Sep 19, Sep 20, We're glad to hear that you liked this Wonder, Daniel! Thank you for leaving us a comment!

Lee Jun 1, This thing helped me do well on a school project it was not cheating. Rebecca Walker Sep 20, Aug 15, Jun 3, We're glad it was helpful and informational! Thanks for stopping by! Marissa Apr 23, Wow just wow! I have wondered these types of things all of my life, And now I can just look up all of my questions right on here! I promise that I will tell all of my friends about this.

Trust me, i have a lot of friends and a big family that will tell everyone that they know! I am going to my friend's house today, i will make sure that me and her are on this website for a long time trust me!!!

Sincerly, Marissa N. Apr 25, Alyssa Feb 16, I learned why the sky changes color. It changes color of the horizon. I also learned why the sky is blue. It is blue because of our eye sight it is actually different colors that we can't see. We're glad you stopped by Wonderopolis to learn with us, Rebecca! Feb 18, Thanks for sharing what you learned, Alyssa!

We think that's so cool! Liam Feb 16, Hi, Liam! Jan 11, Wonderopolis Apr 14, Nov 17, Tagan Jan 6, I learned that blue and violet are scattered across the sky that is why it is blue. I also learned that red has the longest wavelength and violet has the shortest. It could help to imagine an arrow that is a really wriggly line blue light, with short, close-together waves and another arrow that is much straighter red light, with much longer, spread-out wavy shapes to it.

We all know that the straighter the arrow, the straighter it will move through the air. Roy G Biv is a type of mnemonic. Mnemonics are systems of remembering a pattern of letters, words or ideas. You can use mnemonics other people have thought of to remember things, or make up your own. Do you know any mnemonics? Which planet smells like a popoff? I have a four-year-old daughter and I would just like to say that estimate seems a little on the low side.

The comedian Louis C. They just keep coming with more questions — Why? My daily walks to school and daycare with my two daughters are a bit like a moveable game of Trivial Pursuit, deviously designed to reveal how little I know about the world.

Questions included: Why do snails have shells? Do worms have mouths? And what do they eat? And how do they move? The UK study also did a survey of the most common questions kids ask.

Ah, starting with the easy ones, are we? Okay, stay with me here. Closer to the horizon, the sky fades to a lighter blue or white. The sunlight reaching us from low in the sky has passed through even more air than the sunlight reaching us from overhead.

As the sunlight has passed through all this air, the air molecules have scattered and re scattered the blue light many times in many directions. Also, the surface of Earth has reflected and scattered the light. All this scattering mixes the colors together again so we see more white and less blue.

As the Sun gets lower in the sky, its light is passing through more of the atmosphere to reach you. Even more of the blue light is scattered, allowing the reds and yellows to pass straight through to your eyes. Sometimes the whole western sky seems to glow. The sky appears red because small particles of dust, pollution, or other aerosols also scatter blue light, leaving more purely red and yellow light to go through the atmosphere.


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