All the guides seem to say that you simply have to go here for this to trigger, yet I cannot get inside. Google searches such as "arvis house locked ffvi" "cant get mog ffvi" and "cant find lone wolf ffvi" have not helped either. In fact, I cant seem to find anyone else online having this problem. So, what am I doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated. Post Isn't the Lone Wolf chase in the World of Balance? This post has been edited by Cefca on 22nd September Pick the lock at the Weapon Shop and go through the door behind the counter.
The Shopkeeper is there, and he has something to give to the team: The Ragnarok magicite. He will offer to give the stone over as is, or forge it into a powerful sword. Even though Ragnarok is a fantastic weapon, the magicite is the only way to learn Ultima, which is the most powerful spell in the game.
Leave here and visit the house just north of the Relic Shop. Inside is a bedridden man who will fork over the Cursed Shield , which is exactly what it sounds like: a shield that has a powerful curse over it. Equipping it will inflict numerous status ailments on the wearer. However, after battles the curse will be lifted, which will then create the Paladin Shield , which nullifies all elemental attacks and teaches Ultima at a rate of x1. Navigate to the moogle cave, where Mog will be sitting by himself.
Talk to him, and he will gladly rejoin the cause. On the way through the maze leading to the bluff is the Ice Dragon. It's possible to slip by it, but it's probably a good idea to just get rid of it. Use the Save Point and engage the pint-sized terror in battle. This little guy is small, but definitely packs a punch. General 1 Answer I cant find excalipoor?!?!!? Side Quest 2 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device.
Forgot your username or password? Someone help. La Brassiere. Riddle Me VI Part New Terra figurine being released with bonus Mog! How do I buy this game? Where are my Party Members? Around what level should my party be before going for Kefka's tower? Best place to level up? I cant find excalipoor?!?!!?