Before you make any change to the hosts file, duplicate it first. You will be prompted to enter the password for your admin account in order to duplicate this file in the etc folder. Instead you need to copy and paste it to your desktop or any other folder, and then edit it.
Right click on the hosts file in the new folder or location, choose to edit it with the TextEdit app or any other third-party text editor on Mac. After the change, copy and paste it back to the etc folder in Finder. And then enter your administrative account password to authenticate the replace.
There will be a prompt that ask you whether you want to replace the file. To authenticate the file replacement, you must enter your administrative password. After the file is replaced, you can enter the URL in your browser to see whether the changes have been effected. You may have to delete the existing DNS cache in order for the effect to take place. To delete the existing DNS cache, you can enter the syntax dscacheutil -flushcache into the terminal.
In conclusion, it is very easy to locate the hosts file and make edits to control the sites other users will see. You can try turning off your computer and restart the system again if the website did not display properly after you followed the steps above.
Sometimes, you need to quit all open browsers in order for the changes to take effect. Home Hostgator coupon Contact Us. Blocking Access to Certain Websites with the Hosts File For some people, they edit the host file in order to block the user from accessing a certain site on the Mac system. Flush the DNS cache to activate the new hosts file: sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder Once installed, you'll find that your surfing experience improves, your breath becomes more lovely, and the world transforms into a gentle place full of unicorns and love.
If this is your thing, check back with someonewhocares regularly for their latest download. You may have to authenticate click the padlock with your Admin password to enter the Advanced features. Uncheck Enable stealth mode. Don't forget to re-enable stealth mode when you connect to the internet.