How does chansey learn wish

Battles Type Normal. Target Foe. Affects the user. Contests Condition Cute. Temporarily stops the crowd from growing excited. Super Contests Condition Cute.

Increased Voltage is added to the performance score. Contest Spectaculars Condition Cute. Excites the audience a lot if used last.

FR LG. Max Moves. G-Max Moves. Stat-Boosting Moves. Stat-Reducing Moves. Status-Inflicting Moves. Moves that Never Miss. Moves that Set Entry Hazards. Moves that Ignore Abilities. High-Critical Hit Moves. Moves that Change Weather.

Moves that Change Terrain. Multi-Target Moves. Moves that Restore HP. Redirection Moves. Multi-Hit Moves. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Pokemon X Can Chansey learn wish? User Info: SuperSensei. User Info: MrFingers Wish, if I remember correctly, is a 3rd gen move. It's a very rare move. It comes from an event.

Also just letting you know, after December most of the Wish Blisseys you'll see will be hacked most likely. It's a Gen 3 event move. Pretty much the only way to get one. That's like sliced bread with 10 dollars inside.

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