Some research suggests that a safe range of Garcinia cambogia extract is between mg and mg The use of Garcinia cambogia has however only been documented short-term and using the supplement for 12 weeks or less is deemed as safe Bear in mind that a number of weight management supplements available over the counter are not regulated and the dosage information and ingredients list may be incorrect. Garcinia cambogia extract.
Garcinia Cambogia. Garcinia cambogia and interactions with medications. And one study in rats suggested that extremely high doses of Garcinia may cause testicular atrophy, and toxicity. The woman in the case report had been previously diagnosed with serotonin toxicity while she was taking a different kind of antidepressant.
At that time, she had also been taking Garcinia for a month or two, but she didn't tell the doctor who prescribed her antidepressant that she had also been taking the weight-loss supplement , Hendrickson said. Therefore, her doctor attributed her first case of serotonin toxicity to her first antidepressant, and switched her to another one.
Then, she developed her second case of toxicity, for which Hendrickson saw her. The researchers said they cannot be absolutely sure that it was, indeed, the use of Garcinia that caused the patient to develop serotonin toxicity. Another potential, but less likely, trigger of the reaction, could have been the SSRI that she had been taking.
HCA has been shown to increase levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that influences mood, sexual desire, social behavior, and appetite. Low serotonin levels are linked to depression and anxiety. As your serotonin levels rise, your mood improves. But removing HCA from the fruit and processing it into supplement form has its risks. While the U. The FDA advises extreme caution when adding any supplement to your diet.
There have been no significant studies to test whether or not garcinia cambogia or HCA supplements can treat depression. However, some studies have shown that HCA can boost serotonin levels in laboratory animals. While low serotonin levels have long been linked to depression, more recent research has cast doubt on this cause-and-effect relationship.
If you think you may be suffering from depression, contact your healthcare provider and work together to get past it safely and effectively. Depression can be caused by one or a combination of factors, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. These can include: genetic, environmental, biological, and psychological factors. Treatment is often strongly tied to the cause. Hydroxycitric acid purportedly blocks an enzyme called adenosine triphosphate citrate lyase, which is important to making fat in the body, explains Steven Heymsfield, MD , professor in the laboratory of metabolism and body composition at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.
The supplement is also thought to boost levels of serotonin , a chemical in the body that acts as a neurotransmitter. Raising serotonin levels can suppress appetite, theoretically helping to reduce weight, says Haggans.
Because supplements are not subject to federal approval before going to market, the U. Food and Drug Administration FDA has not determined whether garcinia cambogia is safe for consumption and whether the claims manufacturers make about it are true. The National Institutes of Health U. Overall, the research on garcinia cambogia is conflicting, says Dr. For example, a meta-analysis published in the Journal of Obesity evaluated 12 randomized clinical trials of the supplement. In another review article published in in the online journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, scientists found that garcinia cambogia had little to no effect on weight loss.
Researchers have also found conflicting evidence over whether garcinia cambogia helps to reduce cholesterol in people who are overweight. Other types of fats, including high-density lipoproteins HDL , or good cholesterol ; low-density lipoprotein LDL , or bad cholesterol; total cholesterol; and body weight did not change.
In other research published in the Nutrition Journal , scientists gave people who were overweight either garcinia cambogia extract, soy leaf extract, which is another proposed weight loss supplement, or a placebo for 10 weeks.
In addition to studying whether garcinia cambogia can help with weight loss and improve cholesterol levels , scientists have been trying to determine if the supplement can help improve blood sugar levels, according to a review of the literature published in April in the journal Fitoterapia.
Much of the research on blood sugar has been in mice, which while interesting, is preliminary evidence that requires further investigation and validation in humans, says Haggans. Even data in humans can be conflicting, which is another reason more studies are needed, notes Rahnama. Overall, long-term side effects are unknown because clinical trials have been fairly short.