Expiration date: Bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. Add to Cart. Apply at 3 teaspoons Gnatrol per 1 gallon of water. Products are shipped discreetly. It's a substance that's deadly to mosquito larvae as well as larvae of blackflies, midges, and fungus gnats.
Specifcially, Bti releases special protein crystals. When the larvae eat them, the alkaline nature of their digestive system causes these crystals to dissolve and be converted into toxic protein molecules that destroy the inside of the larvae's stomach.
Long story short, they can't eat and then they go off to that giant Golden Pothos in the sky. Here's the cool thing about it--because humans, animals, birds, and fish have acidic and not alkaline digestive tracts, the Bti toxins don't have any effect on us. In fact, Bti is used in mass quantities by cities and municipalities worldwide to control mosquito populations. Because it's a bacteria that's found naturally in soils anyway, there's less fear of using it than more dangerous chemical solutions.
Another thing that's nice about Bti is that once it's released, the active ingredient will dissipate after about 72 hours, so even if it were harmful to humans, the exposure is limited. Gnatrol is a consumer version of Bti.
My first instinct after writing about this plant so many months ago was to toss the plant in the trash, but I felt that would be conceding victory to the gnats. Light infestation mix: 3.
Heavy infestation mix: 13 to 26 oz per gallons. Note: Gnatrol WDG comes in a pound pail. Dositron use. For 6-inch pots consider wetting the top inch of soil, using 1. Apply Gnatrol as a soil drench, with sufficient water to thoroughly wet the soil surface above and below benches where larvae are present. Areas under benches should be treated at high rates. Reapply as needed if pest populations persist. In existing infestations where all life stages are present, repeat applications weekly for three consecutive weeks at the rate for heavy infestations.
Subsequent bi-weekly, or monthly applications at the light infestation rate will maintain control. Liquid formulation has a shelf life of about 1 year and granular 2 years. Expect reduced effectiveness after prolonged storage of Bt-based products. Gnatrol suspends readily in water and will remain suspended over normal application periods. Agitate after sitting for 15 minutes. Avoid continuous agitation of spray mixture during spraying.
Brief re-circulation may be necessary if the spray mixture has been sitting for several hours. What I have noticed over the years is that the suggested use rate in an indoor garden is always a little to low for complete control. I personally use 1 tablespoon per gallon of water once per week. I like to apply this the same day every week so that the interval between uses stays the same. If you have a full blown infestation already, then you want to use Gnatrol 3 to 4 times 3 days apart, and then switch to the once per week schedule.
Use it at the same 1 tablespoon per gallon of water rate. Besides using Gnatrol weekly, you want to keep your grow room or tent clean. This won't be an issue since you are now nuking the soil with Gnatrol. Chris Brady. Older Post. Newer Post. It is a valuable tool that It's a byproduct of the fish industry, and a great us Close esc Popup.