I bore the heat, I blazed the track- furrowed and bloody upon my back. I split the rock; I felled the tree: The nation was- Because of me! Old Botany Bay Taking the sun from day to day… shame on the mouth that would deny the knotted hands that set us high! As featured on The Daily Gardener podcast:. The captain that is our commander, He sails by the stars and the sun.
If e'er well I live I'll return again To my darling sweet kisses I'd run. These seven long years I've been serving now And seven long more have to stay, All for bashing a bloke down our alley And taking his ticker away. For seven long years I'm transported, Seven long years and a day. Oh, I wish I were drowned on the ocean bed For they've taken my true love away. Oh, had I the wings of a turtle dove I'd soar on my pinions so high, Slap bang to the arms of my Polly love And in her sweet presence I'd die.
User name. Attributes Old Botany Bay single work poetry " I'm old ". Author: agent Mary Gilmore. Issue Details: First known date: The material on this page is available to AustLit subscribers. If you are a subscriber or are from a subscribing organisation, please log in to gain full access. To explore options for subscribing to this unique teaching, research, and publishing resource for Australian culture and storytelling, please contact us or find out more.
Latest Issues. Differences in punctuation between versions. Howarth editor , Harmondsworth : Penguin , Z anthology poetry Harmondsworth : Penguin , Appears in: y From the Ballads to Brennan T.
Note: First line: "I'm old.