He encourages sins by setting an easy solution of apology, misuses his authority and exploits others in terms of their sin. He was also very expert in the art of begging.
He loves garlic, red wine and onion. He is a hypocrite who allows people to carry on their sins and forgives them for a small donation to him. He knows the secret of young women and men and exploits them to his own interest. The Pardoner is a thorough cheat.
His bag is full of relics which he sells to housewives and earns a lot. He deceives the simple folk. He sings merrily, sweetly and attracts the people in this way. Chaucer has a poor opinion of him and ironically calls him 'a noble ecclesiastical'.
In contrast to these corrupt religious characters, Chaucer gives a pleasant picture of the poor Parson, a shepherd, who protects his flock from the wolf. He preaches sincerely, correctly and tries to practice what he preaches.
He leads a simple, virtuous life of devotion and service. The Clerk is not an ecclesiastical character but he is studying at church. The Clerk is one of the idealized characters. He is well-versed in logic. He does not run after showiness and worldly grandeur. He is a miser and poor. He is quick and meaningful in his talk. He is glad to learn and glad to teach. We can conclude that Chaucer has given a very true and realistic picture of the ecclesiastical characters of his age.
Poor clerk is not poor by food items rather he has not proper clothes to wearing that are complete and without threadbare. That is all confirm evidences that he is symbol of middle class and servant of the church. His religious interests are very clear when Chaucer speaks up he has no gold in his box but his companions are busy in colleting gold while his words are pack up of gold and diamonds.
His rooms has no pillow but the 20books from it he takes under his head. How is he fond of studies? This shows that he has a renaissance spirit in himself. The clerk character is a man who is thankful all the time of his friends that give him money for buying books on Aristotle points of view, he prays for them those give him money.
He also a witty man he knows very well where he should speak and there should not. At the end, Chaucer informs us about his talking style, his way of thinking, way observing, way of conveying his ideas towards others, he is witty and runs with time, he knows where does do what and where is nothing.
He offers words exact time , exact on exact time. The Parson Character , indeed, is revolt against the monastic characters that have been represented by Chaucer, like ,the friar, the monk, the prioress, the summoner all of them are opposite about him because they are indulged in worldly enjoyment rather he is doing real practice that the Christ had been told us. The Parson Character and Summary in Canterbury Tales can felt that he is vacant by worldly wealth but he is rich by holy thoughts.
Actually, he is poor man but he is spiritually rich, his soul is image of Christ. In the time of adversity he never ever shows any panic rather he considers it is will of God. He seems to statue of patient and embodiment of true saint, he looks like father. His morals quotations are light in the dark.
Wel oughte a preest ensample for to yive, by his clennesse, how that his sheep solde lyve. The Character of Parson is compatible with knights in many ways because in world of religion he safes his parishioners by enemies whereas the knight safes his companions by enemies in secular world. He is virtuous in world of ecclesiastical rather he is famous in secular as well as battlefield. He goes to on feet for visiting his parishioners only with his stick in hand.
He sets high morals in his life for other so that others may get lesson for them. He usually claims that a priest or clergyman first he himself acts upon the advice then he should advise to his parishioners.
His attentions are fix on his parish as well as his parishioners, he does not tries to earn extra money for himself because he has lot of opportunities having earn money making as a priest or clergyman.
The Parson does not force his followers to pay the tax at right time rather he himself pays the tax if one could not pay it. Like wise the friar and the pardoner he never threats his parishioners rather he consoles them and aids them by his personal income. The Parson Character in Canterbury Tales is symbol of the patient, kind hearted and religion. His kind heartedness and patient can be seen in his life, in adversity he shows no sign of haughty and callous whenever he deals with with sinner he does not adopt the way of hard and uncivilized rather he listens their conversations with carefully and heartily, he speaks as honey, his words carry the meaning for sinners whenever they listen his speech they feel themselves in heaven.
On the other hand, a sinner is stick to his sin then he rebukes very badly him so that he may leave the sin. He does not feels himself or his existence is better than others and he has no pride and prejudice in himself, he considers himself the sins of house to him. He does not admit, he is purge from sin, he thinks that he has the same sins that have others. Having read the above discussion, we can say that The Parson Character and Summary in Canterbury Tales is informed us the age of Chaucer, what was going on that era in religion and church was supreme for the life of the people.
The people knew that in church there was corruption on the peak although they went church and give tax and they knew that hey had somehow pure parson yet. The monk character in Canterbury Tales is treated with ironical way, by Chaucer unveils the the corrupt mask of the religion, his character is no more than a satire on religion.
And the same monk is related with church area. The monk character is actually symbol of downfall of religion life, in Canterbury Tales he is not what should be him, he is is totally opposite the life of church, he loves secular life instead o church The manner in which Chaucer has described it is very worth praising. The monk character is delineated in ironical as well as satirical way, his physical appearance is not fit for monastic status, if we remember the character of poor clerk then we feel he is lean and weak but also his horse is too weak which reveals that he is poor and takes pain his work but on the other hand the monk is fat and loves to eating which is totally oppose to monastic life but her whose cares.
Actually, the actual monk remains in busy in remembrance of God, he divorces to world and gets marry his monastery, for him the world is nothing but monastery is everything. The first group of monk was emerge on the surface of the earth on Northern Egypt in early 14 century. How does he break old norms? This can be seen when he ignores the rules St. Maure and St. When St. Benedict says in his text if a monk hunts , he will be consider the un holy man but he does not care about his text and creates his own rule and makes his ne w world he loves hunting.
Augustine says a monk should be perform drudgery, if he does not do so how he will served to world. He entices women for sexual pleasure. He has no sympathy for the people of lower classes. On love-days, he acts as an arbitrator and yields his influence over the judges. The character sketch of the Friar has touches of only mild satire. Fourth character is of the Summoner who is a minor official of the church.
He like others is notorious for annoying and harassing the poor and the ignorant. For a quarter of wine, he allows a good fellow to keep a concubine for a year and completely excuses him. He looks a buffoon by wearing a garland and carrying a huge cake like a buckler.
His visible bestiality hides the hideousness of his soul. Fifth character is of the Pardoner who sings well his love-ditties in his girlish voice. He has nothing to do with the religion and preaches for money. He has no concern for the reformation of depraved souls who need absolution and redemption.
He sells his pardons even to the wicked for a handful of silver. He is a poor Parson with practical attitude. He never buys or sells any ecclesiastical benefice. He has never excommunicated those who cannot pay tithe. Rather, he gives his poor parishioners out of the offerings in the church and also of his own personal things. Another religious and idealized character is of the Clerk.
He is well-versed in logic. He is without any type of benefice from the church.