How many eldar are left

The eldar mourn the losses of individuals far more Eldrad and hgonestly even in small numbers they normally get the jobs done they came to achieve. More numerous then the imperium of man, And yes i dont know how accurate it is.

So they are probably growing. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Warhammer 40k Wiki Explore. Imperium of Man. Adepta Sororitas Important Links. Drukhari Kabals Drukhari Important Links. Harlequin Important Links. On the main point, when the body dies the soul goes to the Warp. As to what happens from there, it depends on the individual and their species.

Eldar souls get eaten by Slaneesh unless they can get trapped in a spirit stone. On the other hand, Sigmar was able to forge a realm out of the metal core of the Old World albeit with the help of space dragon. They exist. After the Fall of the Aeldari, Isha was about to be devoured by Slaanesh like all of her divine brethren, but she was rescued by the forces of the Plague God Nurgle. Khaine as he is worshiped by the Dark Elves is described as a god of murder. It has been implied that Khaine is the Chaos God Khorne by another name, or possibly a minor aspect of Khorne who has gained his own consciousness.

Chaos is Often Shown to be a Goddess Even Hesiod, who most often described Chaos as a place, also gave her some female attributes and described her as the mother of Erebes and Nyx. Can humans and Eldar interbreed? How many Eldar are left? Well, I would say that the number of craftworlds is in the low hundreds.

About half of the craftworlds have a slowy increasing population, and the others are either stagnant or slowly decreasing in their population. Then you have commorah, which probably has about the same population as a small hive-world, but is growing at a normal rate.

The Harlequins make up a very small percentage of the population, and they are slowly growing in number. A large percentage of the eldar race probably about as many as there are exodites are pirates, and travel around in craftworld independent pirate fleets. Unfortunately, their souls are not collected in the infinity circuit so cannot be used to fight against slaneesh. The exodites are also growing at a slow rate. I tend to think of eldar as sort of like an endangered species, I mean, they are slowly getting their numbers back up think eons but they are still in a rather precarious position.

For overall numbers, that is really hard to estimate. I would say about ten-fifteen million eldar live on each of the older exodite worlds, and a much higher number live on the average craftworld. Pirate fleets have much smaller numbers, but there are a lot of them.

Craftworlds may have a higher population than the average hive-world is some of the fluff is correct. They are described as being planet-size constructions. To take that to the extreme, that could mean some space-ship the size of jupiter floating around. Plus, craftworlds are essentially hollow, whereas on most planets people live on the surface of the planet.

Therefore, craftworlds could hold exponentially more people than a planet could, and one the size of jupiter could hold an absurd number.

Plus the eldar have been breeding in these craftworlds for something in the neighborhood of million years if the fall was before there was terrestial live on terra. Thats a long time to be making babies. So I would still say far less than any race besides the tau or necrons, but still quite a good number.

If anything they would be far larger populations, as they weren't just traspost vessels, they were the combinations of many Eldar ships, into one ship the size of some planets, and as the ships are hollow, they could hold many, many hundreds of thousand Eldar.

Where did you read this? As far as i know, the early craftworlds were considerably smaller than the nowadays ones, and even the present ones are much smaller than an average planet. And why should you ever have such a large crew on a transporter?

I know, that this sounds farfetched, but todays supertankers or containertransporte rs have a crew you can count on ten fingers. The population on the craftworlds were refugees from the madness on the homeworld so it would be logical if they were packed with eldar I still say that the population must be fairly large to be able to wage war. When comparing to other species the humans are 1 worlds and many have population that present day earth cant compare with.

The craftworlds may just be in the thousands and only have populations like earth have today and still look like a drop in the ocean. Psionik Junior Member Posts: Eldar: fast, silent, deadly - they're like ninjas! I have this long post planned out, but I don't have time right now and some of my points have already been covered, so I'll just say this: There are more Eldar in the galaxy than there are Space Marines.

Y'zar Full Member Posts:


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