How many skill points in borderlands 2

While in this state, Brick's vision becomes clouded with blood, he starts laughing maniacally, and he puts his guns away in favor of using his fists to pummel enemies. His melee damage is increased, he takes less damage from enemy attacks, and he regenerates health in battle. Lilith 's Action Skill is Phasewalk. When Lilith uses Phasewalk, she turns invisible and can move quickly. When Lilith goes into Phasewalk, there is a small shockwave that damages enemies in the area of effect.

Skill points can be used to increase the melee damage whilst in this state, and to limit damage when coming out of it. Mordecai 's Action Skill allows him to send an alien pet, a falcon-like bird named Bloodwing , out into the fray to attack enemies. Roland 's Action Skill is Scorpio Turret. This is a turret that attacks enemies while providing cover for the team with an attached shield.

It can be upgraded to supply teammates with health and ammo. Example of a skill tree. This one belongs to Brick. Beyond the Action Skill, access to the different character skills is regulated by a tree structure. Each class has three distinct skill trees. Each of these trees comprises seven different skills, arranged into four successive tiers; the first three tiers of a tree have two skills each, while the last tier only contains a single, powerful skill.

Initially, the character has access only to skills in the first tier of each tree, unlocked by the Action Skill. For every five skill points invested in a particular tree, another tier in that tree unlocks, allowing skill points to be invested in new skills.

Skill points may be invested in any combination of the skills of the available tiers: maxing a single skill by investing five skill points in it is possible, but not necessarily required to advance. Likewise, characters need not be dedicated to a single skill tree, but may distribute skill points between trees as a player sees fit.

Unlike the Action Skill, the skills in these trees require no explicit command. They either take effect automatically under particular conditions e. Brick's skill trees are Brawler , Tank , and Blaster. Lilith's skill trees are Assassin , Elemental , and Controller. Mordecai's Skill trees are Sniper , Rogue , and Gunslinger.

Roland's skill trees are Infantry , Support , and Medic. Borderlands Official Website offers an interactive skill tree for each character. Note that skill points gained through DLC completions are not used in the skill calculator, meaning a maximum of 57 points can be allotted into the trees.

An unofficial skill tree that includes DLC skill points. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Borderlands 2 How many skill points do you have at 72?

User Info: Fowhawk. User Info: excalibur The levels continue up to the equal of level 80, but you don't get skill points after Of course there are those that fall to the dark side and have more points than you're supposed to have legit.

User Info: WingOfSilver. Fowhawk posted I have seen some people saying you stop earning skill points at 61 and some saying you continue to learn them through Because if you lead up through 72 it seems like you can go all the way through two trees and a good ways into your third. You get 46 skill points at maximum level 50 , and if you head over their character planner you see this:. In early 2k13 level cap will rise.

In the first Borderlands, after the expansion, you could. So maybe in this chapter it will be possible too. You cannot max out two skill trees as of now. At max level 50 you have 46 skill points. You would need 7 more skill points to reach the last tier skill of another branch. At this time, it is unknown what the level cap will be raised to, but there is an intended level cap increase which could make this possible in the near future.

Note that skill bonuses from class mods do not count towards unlocking the next tier of a branch. Well the recent level cap was 50 but now it is 61 so, yes you can fill both and instead of 46 skill points 57 will be your new final result but "boosting" or getting a constant experience per second will take you 40 minutes from level 50 to You would have to purchase the DLC in order to be able to max out two branches. Just like the other people had said. The DLC isn't too expensive either.

If you are playing on Xbox, on the marketplace, it's only ten dollars. That goes for all of the DLCs. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?

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